Paul Pretzer

for more available works please contact the gallery


“In addition to the formal harmony of the image, I pay particular attention to its ambiguity.” (Paul Pretzer) 

With his world of images, the artist Paul Pretzer opens to the viewer an unknown world of the third kind. His narrative motifs are often animals or single portraits – mostly of young boys – as well as of fruit, vegetables and everyday objects united in chimera-like creations. Pretzer‘s narrative motifs also include donkeys, fish heads, or monkeys, which never take their eyes off you, smiling enigmatically, mildly knowing, or cheekily demanding. The details are lovingly rendered and show a wide range of colors from monochrome white-in-white combinations, to gentle pastel tones, to mutually extreme complementary contrasts of orange-turquoise, violet-yellow, and others. With their impact, the paintings open a door for the viewer – comparable to literature and music – to escape from life. Thus, the titles of works often superimposed on the painting, such as “Songs from sugar hill,” also describe an utopian place, a place of fantasy… In this world, “painting (…) is like music for the eyes” (PP). 

Paul Pretzer, born 1981 in Paide, Estonia, lives and works in Barcelona and studied in Kiel and Dresden with Prof. Ralf Kerbach. He has already received various awards such as the Robert Sterl Prize, Dresden (2009) and he is regularly abroad with his artist in residence grants such as in Omaha/ U.S.A. (2009), at the Espronceda Center, Barcelona (2015) and annually at Edition Copenhagen, Denmark. Paul Pretzer regularly exhibits in Germany, Europe and the U.S.. Among others in Marc Straus Gallery, New York (2022) and FeldbuschWiesnerRudolph, Berlin (2021, 2019, 2017), Galeria Uxval Gochez, Barcelona (2021), Tatjana Pieters Gallery, Ghent (2021), Marc Straus Gallery New York (2020), Städtisches Museum Überlingen (2018), SØR Rusche Collection Oelde/Berlin (2017), Kunsthaus Apolda (2016), Made in Germany: Contemporary Art from the Rubell Family Collection, Miami (2016), McNay Art Museum, San Antonio (2015), Kunsthalle zu Kiel (2012), Hamish Morrison, Berlin (2008-2012) a.o.. 



Paul Pretzer
born 1981, Paide, Estonia, lives and works in Berlin & Barcelona

2007-2009 Master Student, Prof. Ralf Kerbach
2005-2007 Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Dresden
2002-2005 Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel

2009 Robert-Sterl-Preis der Sammelstiftung des Bezirkes Dresden
2009 Artist in Residence, Bemis – Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha
2015 Artist in Residence, Espronceda Center for Art & Culture, Barcelona
2017 Artist in Residence, Listhús Artist Residency, Ólafsfjörður


Solo, FeldbuschWiesnerRudolph, Berlin

Solo, FeldbuschWiesnerRudolph, Berlin
Solo, Marc Straus Gallery, NewYork (solo)

All The Pleasure and All The Pain, FeldbuschWiesnerRudolph Gallery, Berlin (solo)
Solo, Marc Straus Gallery,NewYork (solo)
Made in Germany: Contemporary Art from the Rubell Family Collection, The McNay Art Museum, San Antonio
The Inner Life of Spaces, Galerie FeldbuschWiesner Gallery, Berlin
The Cambridge Rules, Galerie Jochen Hempel, Berlin
Minnedienst am Schlüsselreiz, Galerie Jarmuschek+Partner, Berlin
PEANUTLOVENOSE, Städtische Galerie Dresden (solo)
NewWorks,Marc Straus Gallery, NewYork (solo)
Dr. Kloffkoloschs Rache, Hamish Morrison Galerie, Berlin (solo)
Manuel Ocampo / Paul Pretzer / Joachim Weischer, Galerie Conrads, Düsseldorf
Von Sinnen – Wahrnehmung in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Kunsthalle zu Kiel
The Seventh Skill,Marc Straus Gallery,NewYork
Musentümpel, Galerie Conrads, Düsseldorf
Milch und Mortadella, Hamish Morrison Galerie, Berlin (solo)
U(DYS)TOPIA, Freies Museum, Berlin
Wild at heart, David Castillo Gallery, Miami (solo)
Afterhour, DAC Gallery, Genua / Genoa (solo)
Crossing Signs, National Gallery Jakarta / Taman Budaya Yogyakarta’
Golden Agers & Silver Surfers – Das Bild des Alter(n)s in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel
Menschenbilder – Zeitgenössische Bildnisse begegnen alten niederländischen Portraits, SØR Rusche Sammlung Oelde/Berlin im / at Museum Abtei Liesborn,Wadersloh-Liesborn
Kings, Gods & Mortals, Hamish Morrison Galerie, Berlin
Fummeln für Fortgeschrittene, Hamish Morrison Galerie, Berlin (solo)
Funky Playground, SZ-Galerie im / at Haus der Presse, Dresden (solo)

For more information about PAUL PRETZER and available works, please contact the gallery!
