Wim Botha

for more available works please contact the gallery


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Wim Botha studied Fine Arts at the University of Pretoria where he completed his B.A. (1996). He received several grants and scholarships like the Helgaard Steyn Price for sculp- ture (2013), the Standard Young Ar tist Award (2005) und the Tollman Award (2003).

Botha‘s work had been shown in international soloshows at the Fondation Blachere in Apt/F (2016), with Galerie Jette Rudolph Berlin (since 2009), on the National Arts Festival Grahamstown/ZA (2014), at Kunstraum Innsbruck/A (2013) und with Stevenson Gallery Capetown & JoBurg/ZA (since 2003). In May 2017 Wim Botha is going to present his installation „Solipsis“ in the Palais des Papes in Avignon (on the initiative of the Fondation Blachere), followed by his upcoming shows at the Muzeum Beelden aan Zeen in Den Haag/NL and the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh/U.S.A..

Wim Botha participated in several international groupshows, e.g. at Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt/M (2014-15), at Museum Biedermann, Donaueschingen (2014), at the Venice Biennial (2013) and the Göteborg Biennial (2011), at the Olbricht Collection c/o La Maison Rouge, Paris/F (2011), at the 11th Fellbach Triennial of Small-Scale Sculpture (2010) and 7th Dakar Biennial (2006) as well as at the touring exhibition „Africa Remix“ (2004-07) and many others.

For more information about WIM BOTHA and available works, please contact the gallery

